examples with attachments
POST request with attachments (max 5: attach1, attach2, …)
CURL-less method with PHP
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';
$config = array('use_brackets' => false,
$request = new HTTP_Request2('https://rsXXX-api.realsender.com/mail/send',
$data = array('apiuser' => 'the one we provided you',
'apipass' => 'the one we provided you',
'from' => 'sender@example.com',
'to' => 'recipient@example.com',
'subject' => 'subject of the message',
'text' => 'email body in plain text',
'html' => 'email body in HTML format');
foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
$request->addPostParameter($k, $d);
$request->addUpload('attach1', './sample.pdf', 'sample.pdf', 'application/pdf');
$request->addUpload('attach2', './sample.txt', 'sample.txt', 'text/plain');
$result = $request->send();
POST request with attachments
CURL method
curl -F 'apiuser=the one we provided you' \
-F 'apipass=the one we provided you' \
-F 'from=sender@example.com' \
-F 'to=recipient@example.com' \
-F 'subject=subject of the message' \
-F 'text=email body in plain text' \
-F 'html=email body in HTML format' \
-F 'attach=@sample.pdf;type=application/pdf' \
-F 'attach=@sample.txt;type=text/plain' \