HighSender prices

completely free, no obligation trial period
90 days money back guarantee after purchase

Email “from”
Weekly traffic
usage (GB)
Yearly fee
Weekly limit
(emails that can be sent)
HighSender 4 n.a. 8 contact us for a quote up to 40,000
HighSender 3 n.a. 6 contact us for a quote up to 30,000
HighSender 2 n.a. 4 contact us for a quote up to 20,000

the weekly limit may be lower if we experience delivery issues
do you need a higher weekly limit? please contact us

1 GB traffic is generated sending approx. 10,000 emails of 100 KB each
on “weekly traffic” we have +20% tolerance limit
when the limit is exceeded you will be contacted to perform the upgrade

n.a.: only one “email from address” is generally used, please ask if you need more

RealSender has a zero tolerance for SPAM (unsolicited email advertising)
Customers sending out unsolicited commercial email or prohibited advertising
or other harassing or illegal materials through email,
will be subject to immediate account termination without any refund

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