
RealSender lets you easily submit http requests, such as web forms contents, via email messages.
In this way you can receive the results of your feedback forms directly in your mailbox.

There’s no need of any special configuration on your side.
The forms can be published in any html webpage or added directly within your email messages.

Script address:
<form action="https://rsXXX.realsender.com/script/form.pl" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">

Required/mandatory parameters (hidden fields):

recipient the email address or the “alias” to which the form submission will be sent
for security reasons, the “real” address should be configured at sever level
required this is a list of fields that the user must fill in before they submit the form
we suggest to check the “email” field only (content and syntax are verified)
additional checks are usually done via javascript, we can provide examples
redirect the user will be redirected to this URL after a successful form submission
missing_fields_redirect the user will be redirected here if any of the ‘required’ fields are left blank

Required/mandatory parameters (non-hidden fields):

email it will become the sender’s email address of the message
if the email address
is correct
the data will be sent to the configured recipient
the user will be redirected to the “redirect” URL
if the email address
is missing or syntatically wrong
no mail will be sent
the user will be redirected to the “missing_fields_redirect” URL