logs & delivery

Emails data

RealSender lets you access via browser to the processed emails data:

  • status page with the last 100 mails sent today, updated in real time
  • complete page with all mails sent out in the day
  • complete page with all mails sent out during the last seven days
  • full log (raw, unprocessed) with all mails sent in the day, useful to check the connections
  • full log (raw, unprocessed) of the last seven days

The displayed data can be saved locally directly from the browser, or automatically registered at regular intervals (eg once a day), to keep a history.

More information on this page:

Examples of information available in the log

May 31 06:26:22 rs336 v4V4QL1K030027: from=sender@yourcompany.com
May 31 06:26:25 rs336 v4V4QL1K030027: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (Message accepted for delivery)

May 31 08:58:04 rs336 v4V6w3jN001390: from=sender@yourcompany.com
May 31 08:58:05 rs336 v4V6w3jN001390: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: 421 recipient@yourcustomer.com Service not available - too busy
May 31 09:02:03 rs336 v4V6w3jN001390: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: 421 recipient@yourcustomer.com Service not available - too busy
May 31 09:12:42 rs336 v4V6w3jN001390: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (Message accepted for delivery)

May 31 10:00:22 rs336 v4V80L9Z004176: from=sender@yourcompany.com
May 31 10:00:24 rs336 v4V80L9Z004176: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=4.7.1, stat=Deferred: 451 4.7.1 recipient@yourcustomer.com: Recipient address rejected: Greylisting in effect, please come back later
May 31 10:02:03 rs336 v4V80L9Z004176: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=4.7.1, stat=Deferred: 451 4.7.1 recipient@yourcustomer.com: Recipient address rejected: Greylisting in effect, please come back later
May 31 10:12:04 rs336 v4V80L9Z004176: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (Message accepted for delivery)

May 31 16:17:14 rs336 v4VEHCk6017038: from=sender@yourcompany.com
May 31 16:17:15 rs336 v4VEHCk6017038: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=5.1.1, stat=User unknown
May 31 16:17:15 rs336 v4VEHCk6017038: v4VEHFk5017041: DSN: User unknown

May 25 12:43:37 rs336 v4PAhZw1019212: from=sender@yourcompany.com
May 25 12:43:38 rs336 v4PAhZw1019212: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable
May 25 12:43:38 rs336 v4PAhZw1019212: v4PAhcw0019217: DSN: Service unavailable

May 25 09:17:41 rs336 v4P7Hc6P011481: from=sender@yourcompany.com
May 25 09:17:42 rs336 v4P7Hc6P011481: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=4.1.1, stat=Deferred: 452 4.1.1 recipient@yourcustomer.com 4.2.2 mailbox full
[…] the system retries the delivery every ten minutes* […]
May 25 13:25:47 rs336 v4P7Hc6P011481: to=recipient@yourcustomer.com, dsn=4.1.1, stat=Deferred: 452 4.1.1 recipient@yourcustomer.com 4.2.2 mailbox full
May 25 13:25:48 rs336 v4P7Hc6P011481: v4PBPko0020848: sender notify: Cannot send message for 4 hours*

* = see note at the end of the next paragraph

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Delivery Status Notifications (DSN)

Bounced mails (eg user unknown) return to the sender’s email address or to the return-path address (if specified).

In the event of a delay in the delivery of the messages, you will receive a warning after 30 minutes*, like this:

      Warning: could not send message for past 30 minutes  

      **      THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY      **  

The system will automatically retry for four hours*. If you do not receive further notifications, it means that the messsage has been successfully delivered. You can check the details within the logs (see the above mentioned examples).

After four hours* unsuccessfull retries, a definite error will be returned to the sender’s email address or to the return-path address (if specified), like this:

      Returned mail: see transcript for details  
      The original message was received at ...  
      ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----  
      ----- Transcript of session follows -----  
      Deferred: Connection timed out with yourcustomer.com.  
      Message could not be delivered for 4 hours  
      Message will be deleted from queue  

* = when sending bulk mailings:
delayed delivery status notifications are disabled,
the interval between the delivery attempts is increased (from ten to thirty minutes),
the maximum time of permanence in the queue is longer (from four to twenty-four hours)

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Successful delivery notifications

On request, we can turn on the “delivery notification” for successfully delivered mails too. In this way, for each delivered message, the sender will receive the delivery receipt from the destination server. like the one below. This option is useful for those who need delivery receipts for each mail sent.

      Return receipt
      The original message was received at ...
      ----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications -----
      <recipient@yourcustomer.com>  (successfully delivered to mailbox)
      ----- Transcript of session follows -----
      <recipient@yourcustomer.com>... Successfully delivered

In rare cases (less than 1% of mails sent), the receipt is not released to the sender. This happens if the recipient has activated a special “privacy / noreceipts” option on his mailserver. This setting is generally not recommended as it also blocks the sending of standard non delivery notifications.

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