inxbox temporary email

inxbox temporary email

inxbox is a ready-to-use temporary mailbox
that receives any message  
and keeps it in memory for an hour

!! all received messages are visible to anyone !!
Try it yourself now! (1)
  • send a message to: [yourname]
  • open and check check for reception
    (use Google Chrome browser > New Incognito Window or Microsoft Edge browser)
Try it yourself now! (2) with your own domain
  • change/add the MX record of your domain to:
    MX “10”
  • Send a message to: yourname@yourdomain
  • open and check check for reception
    (use Google Chrome browser > New Incognito Window or Microsoft Edge browser)

pay attention: the associated domain name is different from the previous point

Download the messages via pop3
  • configure your email client with the following settings
  • Server Type: POP Mail Server
  • Server Name (1): - Port: 110 (Default)
  • Server Name (2): - Port: 110 (Default)
  • User Name: only “yourname” within the recipient address
  • Password: any value is accepted

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