bcc email archive - 2

I’ve revisited the doublebackup offer.

The pages on the RealSender and SpamStop websites have changed:
RealSender - outgoing email bcc archive
SpamStop - incoming email bcc archive

Both services now include a transparent bcc feature:

  • to a special pop3 mailbox
    (stored email messages are automatically deleted after 7 days)

  • to a different email address
    (properly configured so that the messages are not classified as spam)

At the end of the pages there is a note about the "old" doublebackup service:

Alternatively, the “doublebackup” service
archives and stores securely all your emails, divided by sender and year.

The archived messages can be retrieved on request,
searching the Message-ID, the Subject or the To address.

The internal procedures for doublebackup management have been revised too,
now they’re more readable and easier to apply.

I’m ready to promote it in the next issue of the newsletter,
offering a free trial period for those interested.