EmailTrends newsletter 11/20

The fourth issue of the monthly newsletter will be sent
on November 20 at 08:00 (cet), here you can read the preview.

The companies can do whatever they want with the email,
which is a business work tool, but is it written and read by employees?
Can they read it? Can they backup it? Can they archive it?

We have explored the different types of work email boxes,
the rights and obligations of the employer:


RealSender may transparently bcc all the sent emails

  • to a special pop3 mailbox, to be downloaded via external services
  • to a different email address, which must be pre-configured correctly

Alternatively, the “doublebackup” service archives all sent emails,
divided by sender and year. The messages can be retrieved on request,
searching the Message-ID, the Subject or the To address.

For more information:

During the past week, I cleared some of the old arrears
and I tried to define the next goals.