ready to use contact forms

The “webform via email” app is now complete.

On the SpamStop website I wrote:

You will collect the data in a standard format,
by a known source, that won’t be filtered as spam.

To get what I promised, there were a few points to fix:

  • the sender of the email has to be an authenticated email address,
    not the email address of the user that filled the form

  • the reply-to email, that is the recipient that will receive the replies,
    should not change: it has to be the email address of the user that filled the form

  • the email address of the filler should appear in the subject line,
    like here: “Callback request from
    to facilitate the search within the messages and make management easier

This solution can be used outside of SpamStop,
I’ve published a web page on the RealSender website too:
RealSender - ready to use contact forms