Rspf and dkim check online

How to define business priorities (at least two criteria must be fulfilled):

  1. will this make us money?
  2. will this have customers love us?
  3. is it easy-ish to do?
    Vincent Woo - Talking about CoderPad and business at Dropbox

This week’s “shipping” certainly meets the “easy-ish to do” criteria.
Do not misunderstand me; it took months of work
to get all the pieces of the puzzle ready.

In the last two months, I’ve worked on:
email whiteboard, that later became StatusBoard, and finally landed to:
SOS.APP - status updates board
SOS.APP - status board by email

SpamStop already had an integrated, fine-tuned spf and dkim check.

It required just a few days to put all together to release this:

After sending an email to one of the above addresses,
you can check online the SPF and DKIM validation results:
(it will take a minute to appear)

The second criterion should be: “customers will love us”.
Well, I use spf and dkim checks daily
and most of the tools hardly provide all the required information.
Especially when the “envelope sender” email address
and the “from” address is different.

The service details are on the website:
spf check online
dkim check online